The Mountain of Blessings (Source of All My Good) Tsong-Kha-Pa / Je Rinpoche Lobsang Drakpa


The Mountain of Blessings
(Source of All My Good)
Tsong-Kha-Pa / Je Rinpoche Lobsang Drakpa
L1 : [The very root of the path, which is how to take a Lama and serve him properly]
\ #1.
\ The source of all my good
\ Is my kind Lama, my Lord;
\ Bless me first to see
\ That taking myself to him
\ In the proper way
\ Is the very root
\ Of the path, and grant me then
\ To serve and follow him
\ With all my strength and reverence.
L1 : [How to train your mind, once you have taken a Lama ]
\ #2.
\ Bless me first to realize
\ That the excellent life
\ Of leisure I’ve found
\ Just this once
\ Is ever so hard to find
\ And ever so valuable;
\ Grant me then
\ To wish, and never stop to wish,
\ That I could take
\ Its essence night and day.
L1 : [How to take this essence (i-iii):]
L2 : [i. How to train one’s mind in the Steps of the Path which are shared with persons of lesser spiritual capacity.]
\ #3.
\ My body and the life in it
\ Are fleeting as the bubbles
\ In the sea froth of a wave.
\ Bless me thus to recall
\ The death that will destroy me soon;
\ And help me find sure knowledge
\ That after I have died
\ The things I’ve done, the white or black,
\ And what these deeds will bring me,
\ Follow always close behind,
\ As certain as my shadow.
\ #4.
\ Grant me then
\ Ever to be careful,
\ To stop the slightest
\ Wrongs of many wrongs we do,
\ And try to carry out instead
\ Each and every good
\ Of the many that we may.
\ #5.
\ Bless me to perceive
\ All that’s wrong
\ With the seemingly good things
\ Of this life.
\ I can never get enough of them.
\ They cannot be trusted.
\ They are the door
\ To every pain I have.
\ Grant me then
\ To strive instead
\ For the happiness of freedom.
\ #6.
\ Grant that these pure thoughts
\ May lead me to be watchful
\ And to recall
\ What I should be doing,
\ Grant me to give
\ The greatest care
\ To make the vows of morality
\ The essence of my practice;
\ They are
\ The root of the Buddha’s teaching.
L2 : [ii. How to train one’s mind in the Steps of the Path which are shared with persons of greater spiritual capacity.]
L2 : [iii. How to train one’s mind in the Steps of the Path which are shared with persons of greater spiritual capacity. — How to develop the Wish for Enlightenment]
\ #7.
\ I have slipped and fallen
\ Into the sea
\ Of this suffering life;
\ Bless me to see
\ That every living being,
\ Every one my own mother,
\ Has fallen in too.
\ Grant me then
\ To practice this highest
\ Wish for enlightenment,
\ To take on myself
\ The task of freeing them all.
\ #8.
\ Bless me to see clearly
\ That the Wish itself
\ Is not enough,
\ For if I’m not well trained
\ In the three moralities,
\ I cannot become a Buddha.
\ Grant me then
\ A fierce resolve
\ To master the vows
\ For children of the Victors.
\ #9.
\ Grant that I may quickly gain
\ The path where quietude
\ And insight join together;
\ One which quiets
\ My mind from being
\ Distracted to wrong objects,
\ The other which analyzes
\ The perfect meaning
\ In the correct way.
L2 : [iii. How to train one’s mind in the Steps of the Path which are shared with persons of greater spiritual capacity. — Training yourself in the activities of a bodhisattva]
\ #10.
\ Grant me once I’ve practiced well
\ The paths shared and become
\ A vessel that is worthy,
\ I enter with perfect ease
\ The way of the Diamond,
\ Highest of all ways,
\ Holiest door to come inside
\ For the fortunate and the good.
\ #11.
\ Bless me to know
\ With genuine certainty
\ That when I’ve entered thus,
\ The cause that gives me
\ Both the attainments
\ Is keeping my pledges
\ And vows most pure.
\ Grant me then
\ To always keep them
\ Even if it costs my life.
\ #12.
\ Bless me next
\ To realize precisely
\ The crucial points
\ Of both the stages,
\ The essence of
\ The secret ways.
\ Grant me then
\ To practice as
\ The Holy One has spoken,
\ Putting all my effort in
\ And ever leaving off
\ The Practice of the Four Times,
\ Highest that there is.
L1 : [A request so that you can attain all the favorable conditions for succeeding in the path, and stop all the circumstances that might prevent you from doing so.]
\ #13.
\ Bless me, grant me that
\ The Spiritual Guide
\ Who shows me this good road,
\ And all my true
\ Companions in this quest
\ Live long and fruitful lives.
\ Bless and grant me that
\ The rain of obstacles,
\ Things within me
\ Or outside me
\ That could stop me now,
\ Stop and end forever.
L1 : [A prayer that in all future lives you may be taken under the care of a Lama, and so again the strength to reach the final end of the various levels and path]
\ #14.
\ In all my lives
\ May I never live
\ Apart from my perfect Lamas,
\ May I bask
\ In the glory
\ Of the Dharma.
\ May I fulfill
\ Perfectly
\ Every good quality
\ Of every level and path,
\ And reach then quickly
\ The place where I
\ Become myself
\ The Keeper of the Diamond.

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