Pelenyapan Bertahap – Anupubbanirodhasutta AN9.31
“Para bhikkhu, ada sembilan pelenyapan bertahap ini. Apakah sembilan ini?
(1) Bagi seorang yang telah mencapai jhāna pertama, persepsi indriawi telah lenyap.
(2) Bagi seorang yang telah mencapai jhāna ke dua, pemikiran dan pemeriksaan telah lenyap.
(3) Bagi seorang yang telah mencapai jhāna ke tiga, sukacita telah lenyap.
(4) Bagi seorang yang telah mencapai jhāna ke empat, napas-masuk dan napas-keluar telah lenyap.
(5) Bagi seorang yang telah mencapai landasan ruang tanpa batas, persepsi bentuk telah lenyap.
(6) Bagi seorang yang telah mencapai landasan kesadaran tanpa batas, persepsi yang berhubungan dengan landasan ruang tanpa batas telah lenyap.
(7) Bagi seorang yang telah mencapai landasan kekosongan, persepsi yang berhubungan dengan landasan kesadaran tanpa batas telah lenyap.
(8) Bagi seorang yang telah mencapai landasan bukan persepsi juga bukan bukan-persepsi, persepsi yang berhubungan dengan landasan kekosongan telah lenyap.
(9) Bagi seorang yang telah mencapai lenyapnya persepsi dan perasaan, persepsi dan perasaan telah lenyap.
Ini, para bhikkhu, adalah kesembilan pelenyapan bertahap itu.”
Numbered Discourses 9
3. Abodes of Sentient Beings
31. Progressive Cessations
“Mendicants, there are these nine progressive cessations. What nine?
For someone who has attained the first absorption, sensual perceptions have ceased.
For someone who has attained the second absorption, the placing of the mind and keeping it connected have ceased.
For someone who has attained the third absorption, rapture has ceased.
For someone who has attained the fourth absorption, breathing has ceased.
For someone who has attained the dimension of infinite space, the perception of form has ceased.
For someone who has attained the dimension of infinite consciousness, the perception of the dimension of infinite space has ceased.
For someone who has attained the dimension of nothingness, the perception of the dimension of infinite consciousness has ceased.
For someone who has attained the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception, the perception of the dimension of nothingness has ceased.
For someone who has attained the cessation of perception and feeling, perception and feeling have ceased.
These are the nine progressive cessations.”