Nagarjuna’s Aspiration


Nagarjuna’s Aspiration

L1 : [Taking refuge & humbling oneself]
\ Prostration to the Triple Gem!
L1 : [The goal: Perfection of patience, Union of The Two Truths]
\ Through each of my lives in samsaric states
\ Until I achieve the state of patience toward phenomena,
L1 : [Wishing for a precious human life]
\ May I never be born in the three lower realms;
\ May I be born in higher realms in a human birth.
\ Having taken human birth in a higher realm,
\ May I not take birth as a sinful king or his minister.
\ May I not take birth as the leader of an army or an executioner.
\ May I not take birth as a profiteer, liquor seller, sesame seed grinder, thief, or male or female slave.
\ May I not take birth as one who dominates bikkshus,
\ A working monk, enforcer of evil rules,
\ Disciplinarian, sweeper monk, or challenger.
\ May I not take birth in any of these jobs.
\ May I not take birth in the land of savages or barbarians.
\ As one dumb, blind, deaf, imbecilic, or jealous,
\ In the castes of heretics, or those with wrong view,
\ In the lower castes, or as a butcher.
\ Until enlightenment is reached,
\ May I always take birth as a practitioner of the holy Dharma.
L1 : [Taking full advantage of this precious human life]
\ Having been born as a Dharma practitioner,
\ May I not be under the power of non-virtue.
\ With a life unhindered by illness,
\ May I meet the Dharma soon after birth.
\ Having met the Dharma soon after birth,
\ May I train my mind in the wisdom of study, contemplation, and meditation.
\ May my mind be able to remain in single-pointed concentration,
\ Six consciousnesses undistracted by objects,
\ Developing physical power without defective limbs,
\ Sense organs perfect, as the object of veneration in a higher birth.
L1 : [A gradual path of virtuous methods and wisdom]
\ Able to accomplish all the Buddha’s Dharma,
\ May I renounce the world as a youth and maintain morality,
\ Always relying on holy spiritual masters ,
\ And gradually traverse the ten paths.
L1 : [Ultimate Goal: Enlightenment]
\ May I reach the unsurpassable essence of enlightenment .
\ Having attained the unsurpassable essence of enlightenment,
\ For all six realms beings in samsara,
\ Through various actions of skillful means,
\ May I perform the benefit of beings through the four social gatherings.
\ Written by Guru Nagarjuna.
\ Translated by Venerable Lama Kalsang Gyaltsen,
[Ane Kunga Chodron with the aspiration that all beings may attain enlightenment.]

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